NNFCC are lead partners in AgroCycle, a 3-year Horizon 2020-funded project. AgroCycle was launched by the European Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan in June 2016, at University College Dublin.
AgroCycle’s main aim is to achieve a 10% increase in the recycling and valorisation of agricultural waste by 2020. The project will further develop, demonstrate and validate novel processes, practices and products for the sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products (AWCB). The systems will be tested and evaluated from technical, environmental and socio-economic perspectives, including their impact on the sustainability of agricultural systems, thereby contributing to the creation of sustainable value chains in the farming and processing sectors.
AgroCycle is a 3 year project funded by the EU commission’s research arm Horizon 2020. It involves over 60 researchers from 26 institutes across Europe and China, and across the value chain from academia and industry. NNFCC is one of five UK partners, working alongside Harper Adams, Agrii, Exergy, and Innovation for Agriculture.
NNFCC's role
NNFCC are leading a pivotal work package to develop novel business models and sustainable value chains for valorising agricultural wastes, including those piloted by partners in the consortium. We are also contributing to other work packages in the consortium including; quantifying and mapping current value chains for valorising agri-wastes, conducting Life Cycle Analysis of bio-waste based products, and developing communication material to educate and engage the public, school children, and stakeholders to further the impact of the project.
Lucy Hopwood, NNFCC’s Lead Consultant for Bioenergy and Anaerobic Digestion says “We are delighted to be involved in this project, building links with so many like-minded partners across Europe and from China to deliver something so crucial to our future. The ultimate goal is to advance the development of a circular economy, minimising waste whilst maximising value for businesses and individuals involved. This aligns so well with NNFCCs core business objectives, so we very much look forward to being a highly active partner in this exciting project.
More Information about AgroCycle
The AgroCycle website, will act as a platform to engage stakeholders and the public, and create a network across Europe and China for valorising agricultural waste. www.agrocycle.eu
For further information please contact enquiries@nnfcc.co.uk.
For the latest updates follow AgroCycle on Twitter
AgroCycle Partners

Notes to Editors:
1. Financial support from Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/
2. NNFCC was established by the UK Government in 2003 as the National Non-Food Crops Centre, it has grown to become a leading UK consultancy focused on the understanding biorenewable markets and technologies. More information is available at http://www.nnfcc.co.uk/
3. The AgroCycle partners are: NNFCC UK, University College Dublin Ireland, Ghent University Belgium, Harper Adams University UK, Fraunhofer IVV Germany, CNR-IPCF Italy, CERTH Greece, SDEWES Centre Croatia, DEMETER Greece, CREA Italy, China Agricultural University China, Nanjing University Of Technology China, IRIS Spain, TOMSA Destil Spain, Exergy UK, Axeb Biothech Spain, Agrii UK, Reset Carbon Hong Kong, Carton Bros Ireland, Innovation For Agriculture UK, National University Of Ireland May Nooth Ireland, European Biomass Industry Association Belgium, Comite Europeen Des Groupements De Constructeurs Du Machinisme Agricole Belgium, Confederation Internationale Des Betteraviers Europeens Belgium, Eko Kvarner Croatia, Instituto Tecnologico Agrario De Castilla Y Leon Spain.